Four new trustees join us to co-operate for a fairer world
23 February 2023
We’ve welcomed new Co-op and Nisa colleagues to our board of trustees as we begin work to deliver on our new five-year strategy, Building communities of the future together.

Mahalia Flasz, Co-op Portfolio Insight Analyst; Jane Waters, Head of Finance, Risk & Governance for Co-op Insurance; and Peter Batt, Managing Director of Nisa; have joined alongside Co-op Council Member, Latefa Mansarit. All four additions will bring strong co-operative values to our board, and a wealth of corporate and community experience.
Mahalia has a huge passion for community and is part of the Co-op Young Members Group where she champions young voices and inspires a movement of young people to co-operate for a fairer world. She also has a seat on Co-op’s National Members’ Council and is part of its Diversity and Inclusion Working Group alongside fellow new Trustee, Latefa Mansarit. Latefa is also an experienced secondary school teacher, careers guidance practitioner and advocate for young people
Jane brings over 20 years’ experience in the financial services sector and will take the role of Co-op Foundation Treasurer. Jane is a proud advocate for young people and has provided mentorship to teenage girls through Manchester charity, Girls out Loud. She also offers ongoing career guidance for school leavers.
Peter is Managing Director of Nisa, which was acquired by Co-op in 2018. He has almost 30 years’ experience in retail and has spent time as a trustee at Saint Francis Hospice (2015-2022). Peter has also sat on the Enterprise Co-operative Trust Board.
Jamie Ward-Smith, Chair of the Co-op Foundation, said: “Having Jane, Mahalia, Latefa and Peter join our board of trustees is a real win for us. We’re Co-op’s charity and each of our new Trustees will bring their own personal and bold perspectives on how we can help deliver on Co-op’s vision of ‘Co-operating for a Fairer World’. 2023 is set to be a very exciting year for the Foundation and our partners as we build fairer and more co-operative communities of the future together.”
Peter said: “I have admired the Foundation since being employed by the Co-op. I want the rewarding and valuable experience to be enjoyed by as many communities as possible by reaching new audiences and helping to integrate the strategic operations that allow a more connected, diverse and fairer world. I am keen that we challenge ourselves at the Foundation to embrace new perspectives. I would love everyone to feel a rush of excitement when they understand the great work already done and the vast amount we will achieve together.”
Mahalia said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have been appointed as a trustee for the Co-op Foundation. I really can’t wait to get started and help shape the future of the Foundation and all the great work they do. I’m looking forward to learning more about the Foundation and about being a Trustee, as well as bringing a fresh perspective and some new ideas to the table.”
Jane said: “Joining the Co-op Foundation board as treasurer is a great opportunity that allows me to bring my financial expertise alongside my experience of being a Co-op colleague. I believe that, together, we can co-operate for a fairer world, with strong communities at the heart of everything we do. I’m passionate about supporting young people to fulfil their potential, so the prospect of combining this with helping develop the communities of tomorrow is a real privilege for me.”
Latefa said: “I offer substantial experience of directly supporting young people individually and in groups with their personal issues and progression into employment. I have a very good knowledge of the existing organisations and service provision available. My aim is to put my expertise at the service of the Co-op Foundation for the benefit of young people and their communities across Britain and beyond.”
Read more about our Trustees or sign up to our blog to find out more about our work building communities of the future together.