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Commit to being flexible
with our funding so community groups could do what mattered most locally
to 42 organisations that empower young people to help their peers
in interest-free loans and grants to help community spaces become more financially sustainable

Tackling Youth Loneliness

young people have more trusting relationships
young people have improved confidence
young people feel valued by their community
young people have gained skills

Based on outcomes recorded against Belong projects from 2017 to 21 January 2021.

Steve Murrells
“If 2020 taught us anything it’s that co-operation works and that communities coming together to support each other has never been more important. I’m proud that our charity, the Co-op Foundation, worked tirelessly to do what mattered most for the communities they support. Co-operation shone through in how they supported communities, empowered young people to beat loneliness and tackled inequalities among under-represented groups. I look forward to building on our close relationship over the next 12 months, as we continue to co-operate for a fairer world.”
Steve Murrells, Co-op CEO
Co-op Foundation

Co-op Foundation is a working name of Co-operative Community Investment Foundation, a charity registered in England and Wales
(1093028) and Scotland (SC048102).

Registered office: 1 Angel Square, Manchester M60 0AG

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