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Young people beating loneliness in lockdown

We reflect on how lockdown has impacted on our Lonely Not Alone campaign to beat youth loneliness, and how young people are rising to the challenge to help their friends

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Apply for #iwill Fund grants to help bereaved young people

Grants of up to £10,000 are now available for organisations across the UK for projects that help young people support each other through bereavement.

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Apply for #iwill Fund grants to help young people support each other on the move up to secondary school

Projects that empower young people to support each other as they move up to secondary school can now apply for grants from our #iwill Fund.

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The Big Co-op Payout: Half a million reasons to say ‘thank you’ to Co-op Members

Thank you to all the Co-op Members who raised £500,000 to help us beat youth loneliness through Belong.

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#iwill Week 2019 – young people taking action to show their peers they’re not alone

Young people embraced the values of co-operation and youth social action to create Lonely Not Alone – the first co-designed campaign to tackle the stigma of youth loneliness

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Will you wear yellow socks to show you care about youth loneliness?

Monday 23 September 2019 By Jim Cooke, Head of the Co-op Foundation Young people say they feel lonely more often than any other age group. Today, we launch a new campaign created by young people to help us all show we care about youth loneliness. ‘Lonely Not Alone’ is the…

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#PowerOfYouth – empowering young people to make a co-operative difference

Blog: We’re celebrating Youth Social Action Day 2019 by looking at the impact that activities like volunteering and campaigning have on young people and their communities – this is the #PowerOfYouth…

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Working with our partners to help the youth sector beat loneliness

Blog: We’re delighted to announce that two of our Belong partners will lead exciting projects to strengthen how the youth sector tackles loneliness.

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Welcome to our new Belong partners tackling #youthloneliness

Blog: Today, we welcome 21 new partners into Belong – our UK-wide network of organisations helping young people beat loneliness.

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How young people’s voices help us allocate funding

Blog: Listening to the communities we serve and ensuring they have a voice in what matters to them is one of our key commitments to democracy.

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Listening to children and young people to help us tackle loneliness together

Blog: This week, we welcome new research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on loneliness in children and young people. Here, we look at how this sheds new light on loneliness in younger children and those from lower-income families – and what we can all do to help.

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Co-op Members raise more than £238,000 to tackle youth loneliness – how you’re changing lives through ‘Belong’

Blog: Thank you to every Co-op Member who chose to give 1% of what you spent on selected Co-op-branded products and services to help us tackle youth loneliness through Belong.

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Could you help us strengthen the youth sector? Invitations to tender now open

Blog: As part of our Building Connections Fund Youth strand (in partnership with Government), the Co-op Foundation is inviting tenders from organisations with the right skills and expertise to deliver two key contracts to tackle youth loneliness by strengthening the youth sector.

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We’ve secured an additional £1.5 million Government funding for the Building Connections Fund Youth strand

Blog: Earlier this year, we announced a new £2m partnership with Government to fund projects looking to expand or enhance their work tackling youth loneliness – the Building Connections Fund Youth strand.

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‘Tackle stigma to change attitudes and build caring communities’ – we respond to the Government’s Loneliness Strategy

Blog: We respond to the launch of the Government’s Loneliness Strategy.

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