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One small step is a giant leap forward for lonely young people

Our CEO, Nick, blogs about our 2021 Lonely Not Alone experience. The universe goes on forever. Loneliness doesn’t have to.

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Let’s create a kinder society for young people to thrive

Co-op Foundation CEO, Nick Crofts, explores our new research into youth loneliness.

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Lonely Not Alone returns on 14 October, and here’s how you can help

We’re heading into the Lonely Not Alone universe in 2021, where we are all stars connected by our shared experiences. Will you join us?

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Guest blog: How to help young people unearth lived experience (part 3 / 3)

In her final guest blog, Eloïse Malone from our Lonely Not Alone campaign partner, Effervescent, discusses how to help young people unearth their lived experience so you can best connect with audiences through creative campaigns.

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Guest blog: Why social action by young people with lived experience is so important (part 2 / 3)

In her second blog on collaborative creativity with young people, Eloïse Malone from our Lonely Not Alone partner, Effervescent, talks about the importance of lived experience in social action projects.

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Guest blog: What is ‘lived experience’ and why does collaborative creativity make change happen? (part 1 / 3)

As part of Loneliness Awareness Week, Ellie Malone from our Lonely Not Alone partner, Effervescent, discusses the importance of lived experience in creating truthful and engaging youth campaigns.

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Helping our partners react in real time to Covid

We share insights from NPC’s evaluation into our Building Connections Fund tackling youth loneliness

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Putting our hearts and minds into Lonely Not Alone 2021

Young people are meeting this week to come up with creative ideas for our 2021 Lonely Not Alone campaign

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We’re looking for young people to help build this year’s Lonely Not Alone campaign

We’re looking for young volunteers to apply to be part of Lonely Not Alone 2021. Can you help? Applications close on 16 March 2021.

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Wear yellow socks to show you care about youth loneliness

Our In This Together research found only 23% of young people think society treats youth loneliness seriously.

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Save the date: Lonely Not Alone to launch on 7 October

Get ready to show lonely young people you care by posting your yellow sock ‘Outfit of the Day’ on social media #OOTDYellowSocks

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Get ready for Lonely Not Alone 2020

Our Lonely Not Alone campaign is back for 2020!

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Youth Cymru guest blog: ‘It’s okay to change as your needs adapt’

We speak to Kirstie Edwards, from our Belong partner, Youth Cymru, about how her organisation and the young people they support have responded to COVID-19…

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Young people beating loneliness in lockdown

We reflect on how lockdown has impacted on our Lonely Not Alone campaign to beat youth loneliness, and how young people are rising to the challenge to help their friends

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Apply for #iwill Fund grants to help bereaved young people

Grants of up to £10,000 are now available for organisations across the UK for projects that help young people support each other through bereavement.

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