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Listening to children and young people to help us tackle loneliness together

Blog: This week, we welcome new research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on loneliness in children and young people. Here, we look at how this sheds new light on loneliness in younger children and those from lower-income families – and what we can all do to help.

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Co-op Members raise more than £238,000 to tackle youth loneliness – how you’re changing lives through ‘Belong’

Blog: Thank you to every Co-op Member who chose to give 1% of what you spent on selected Co-op-branded products and services to help us tackle youth loneliness through Belong.

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The Charity Digital Code of Practice – why this matters to you

Blog: Jamie Ward-Smith, Chair of the Co-op Foundation and co-founder of, the UK’s first digital volunteering service, explains why the new Charity Digital Code of Practice launched today will help charities connect with their audiences better than ever…

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Could you help us strengthen the youth sector? Invitations to tender now open

Blog: As part of our Building Connections Fund Youth strand (in partnership with Government), the Co-op Foundation is inviting tenders from organisations with the right skills and expertise to deliver two key contracts to tackle youth loneliness by strengthening the youth sector.

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We’ve secured an additional £1.5 million Government funding for the Building Connections Fund Youth strand

Blog: Earlier this year, we announced a new £2m partnership with Government to fund projects looking to expand or enhance their work tackling youth loneliness – the Building Connections Fund Youth strand.

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‘Tackle stigma to change attitudes and build caring communities’ – we respond to the Government’s Loneliness Strategy

Blog: We respond to the launch of the Government’s Loneliness Strategy.

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Break down stigma to tackle youth loneliness – we respond to BBC Loneliness Experiment findings

Blog: The Loneliness Experiment, which surveyed 55,000 people, also found that young people aged 16 to 24 years old were the age group most likely to be affected by stigma of loneliness.

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£2 million Youth strand of the Building Connections Fund – what you need to know

Blog: Eligible charities and community organisations from across England can apply until 26 September 2018 for up to £80,000 from the Building Connections Fund Youth strand, to expand or enhance their work tackling youth loneliness.

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We’re recruiting four new Trustees

Blog: Bringing more diverse skills and backgrounds to our Board will help us prepare for the next phase of our charity’s development. Could you be part of this?

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#APlaceToBelong – let’s help local youth services do even more to tackle loneliness

Blog: Through our work with the 25 partners in our Belong network, we know the difference that good youth work can make for young people struggling with loneliness.

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Building Connections Fund – is your project eligible for our £2 million youth strand?

Blog: Charities and community organisations across England can now apply for a share of more than £11 million to tackle loneliness.

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#ValuesinAction – the heart of our Co-op difference

In our final blog for Co-operatives Fortnight 2018, we look at how putting our values into action adds up to our #coopdifference …

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#ValuesInAction – Helping young care leavers tackle loneliness together at the Co-operative College

In our penultimate blog for Co-operatives Fortnight on how our values guide everything we do, we look at how our funding for the Co-operative College is helping young care leavers come together to tackle loneliness …

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#ValuesInAction – going the extra mile for honesty and openness

In our latest blog for Co-operatives Fortnight, we look at how our values of honesty and openness are helping us give a voice to the young people and communities we support …

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#ValuesInAction – Giving young people a say in how we allocate our funding

In our third blog for Co-operatives Fortnight on how our values guide everything we do, we look at how communities and young people are having on say on how we allocate our funding …

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