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The Big Co-op Payout: Half a million reasons to say ‘thank you’ to Co-op Members

Thank you to all the Co-op Members who raised £500,000 to help us beat youth loneliness through Belong.

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#iwill Week 2019 – young people taking action to show their peers they’re not alone

Young people embraced the values of co-operation and youth social action to create Lonely Not Alone – the first co-designed campaign to tackle the stigma of youth loneliness

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We’ve awarded almost £900,000 to help local communities identify or improve a space to connect

Blog: We are awarding almost £900,000 to help 58 organisations make better use of spaces in their community, through our Space to Connect partnership with government.

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Will you wear yellow socks to show you care about youth loneliness?

Monday 23 September 2019 By Jim Cooke, Head of the Co-op Foundation Young people say they feel lonely more often than any other age group. Today, we launch a new campaign created by young people to help us all show we care about youth loneliness. ‘Lonely Not Alone’ is the…

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Empowering young people to improve communities

Monday 5 August Please note, this fund closed to applications on 20 September 2019. Jill Wells, our Programmes and Partnerships Manager, explains why we’re putting young people in the driving seat to improve community spaces that matter to them through new grants from our extended #iwill Fund. Today, we announce…

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Invitation to tender now open to become our ‘Space to Connect’ Learning and Evaluation partner

We’re inviting organisations to tender for a contract that will help us learn how to maximise community spaces to tackle loneliness and build connections.

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Funding alert: We launch Space to Connect – our new £1.6 million partnership with government

Blog: New funding to help community organisations identify, improve and protect spaces where people can connect and co-operate is now open for applications.

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New funding for community spaces launching soon

Blog: We’re working with government to develop a new £1.6 million initiative to help maximise the potential of spaces where people can connect and co-operate.

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#PowerOfYouth – empowering young people to make a co-operative difference

Blog: We’re celebrating Youth Social Action Day 2019 by looking at the impact that activities like volunteering and campaigning have on young people and their communities – this is the #PowerOfYouth…

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Working with our partners to help the youth sector beat loneliness

Blog: We’re delighted to announce that two of our Belong partners will lead exciting projects to strengthen how the youth sector tackles loneliness.

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Could you help environmental community groups succeed?

Blog: Two grants of up to £50,000 are available for projects that build the capacity of community-led environmental groups in Wales and northern England.

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Get ready to grow – funding available to boost enterprising ideas that improve community spaces (Wales only)

Blog: Today, we open new funding to help enterprising community organisations across Wales that benefit local people and the environment grow their sustainable income.

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We’re celebrating a record-breaking 12 months

Blog: 2018 was a year to remember for the Co-op Foundation. With the support of Co-op colleagues and members as well as major new funding partnerships, we almost trebled our income to help us make a bigger impact than ever.

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Welcome to our new Belong partners tackling #youthloneliness

Blog: Today, we welcome 21 new partners into Belong – our UK-wide network of organisations helping young people beat loneliness.

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How young people’s voices help us allocate funding

Blog: Listening to the communities we serve and ensuring they have a voice in what matters to them is one of our key commitments to democracy.

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